The fact that we do not have any secondary waste besides the product that we are blasting off of the radiator is really appealing to the oil companies. We are also not muddying up the location with water from pressure washers.
Dry Ice Blasting Equipment for Oil & Gas
Increase production uptime by reducing cleaning time and equipment failure
The key to peak performance in the oil and gas industry is clean electrical and processing equipment.
Dry ice blasting machines are an environmentally sustainable solution for a wide range of applications, including removing heavy bitumen and oil buildup to surface preparation for non-destructive testing in upstream, midstream and downstream environments. Cold Jet’s dry ice blasting equipment for oil & gas helps you run at peak performance.
Remove heavy oil, carbon and paraffin buildup
Dry ice blasting effectively cleans upstream oil and gas equipment more quickly and efficiently.
- Clean in-place
- No secondary waste stream
- Dry process allows for immediate repainting or recoating after cleaning
- Non-abrasive No damage to equipment
- Minimal to no disassembly
- More effective cleaning
- Environmentally sustainable
Specific use cases:
- Oil, bitumen and corroding agent removal
- Failed coating, corrosion, soluble salts and chloride removal
- Wellhead equipment
- Pipes
- Valves and gauges
- Pipelines
- Pipeline pigs
- Non-destructive testing
- Hydrocarbon spills
- +More
Clean and prepare surfaces for testing, maintenance, repair or repainting
Dry ice cleaning is a dry process that allows for cleaning and non-destructive testing without secondary waste.
- No secondary waste stream
- Dry process allows for immediate repainting or recoating after cleaning
- Non-abrasive No damage to equipment
- Minimal to no disassembly
- Clean in-place
- More effective cleaning
- Environmentally sustainable
Specific use cases:
- Pipelines
- Transport vehicles – Trucks and railcars
- Failed coating, corrosion, soluble salts and chloride removal
- Operational equipment
- Tanks
- Pressure vessels
- Production vessels
- Storage vessels
- Hydrocarbon spills
- Non-destructive testing
- +More
Reduce unplanned maintenance and breakdowns by effectively cleaning refining equipment
Dry ice blasting machines easily removes oil buildup from production equipment and ensures operational efficiency.
- More effective cleaning
- Dry process allows for immediate repainting or recoating after cleaning
- No secondary waste stream
- Improved operational efficiencies
- Minimal to no disassembly
- Clean in-place
- Environmentally sustainable
Specific use cases:
- Heat exchangers
- Oil, bitumen and corroding agent removal
- Failed coating, corrosion, soluble salts and chloride removal
- Heat recovery steam generator (HRSG)
- Furnace and economizer tube bundles
- Rotational equipment – Turbines and motors
- Coker units
- Catalytic crackers and reformers
- Hydrocrackers and separators
- Electrical equipment
- Hydrocarbon spills
- Ethanol refining equipment
- Non-destructive testing
- +More
Power Generation Equipment
Safely clean heat exchangers and other critical power generation equipment
Dry ice cleaning helps maintain peak efficiency by safely and effectively cleaning power generation equipment online.
- More effective cleaning
- No secondary waste Reduce disposal costs and pre-job preparation
- Non-abrasive Will not damage refractory or other parts
- No caustic etching or acidic damage
- Reduce risk of unplanned production stoppages and costly repairs
- Clean in-place
- Environmentally sustainable
Specific use cases:
- Plate exchangers
- Fin-fans
- Convection section of re-boilers
- Aerial coolers
- Shell side tube bundles
- Exterior tube shells
- Radiators
- Turbines
- Compressors
- Motors
- Generators
- Evaporators and condensers
- +More
Benefits of Dry Ice Blasting
Ensure proper maintenance and operational efficiency
Dry ice blasting cleans production, electrical and power generation equipment online, allowing for more frequent cleaning and maintenance, which results in reduced downtime and risk of failure.
- Reduce downtime Clean faster and more effectively
- Clean equipment in-place Little to no disassembly
- Dry process Allows for immediate repainting or recoating
- Easily remove heavy buildup Oil, bitumen, corroding agents, etc.
- Safely remove surface contaminants Failed coating, corrosion, soluble salts, chloride, etc.
- No secondary waste stream
- Non-abrasive Eliminate abrasive cleaning methods
- Non-destructive testing Remove surface contaminants for more accurate readings
- Operationally safe Reduce chemicals and tedious manual cleaning
- Environmentally sustainable
Case Studies
Proven technology produces definable results
Our solutions are driving real results in our customers’ organizations.
Oil & Gas
Dry ice blasting effectively cleans the surfaces of train wagons used in transportation of petroleum
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Contact us today to learn more about our solutions and see how they can meet your unique needs.