Automotive Restoration.
Next Level Clean.

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Quickly, safely, and efficiently clean a variety of automotive components during your restoration or cleaning project.


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Automotive restoration requires smart tools that give the operator complete control and the versatility to clean the full spectrum of parts found on automobiles.

Dry ice blasting is a non-abrasive and non-corrosive cleaning solution that does not produce secondary waste. By utilizing Cold Jet’s proprietary Particle Control System™, it also offers a level of versatility that no other process can match. The cleaning aggression can be fine-tuned to effectively clean any part on the vehicle, eliminating the risk of damaging any sensitive parts

Dry ice is a dry cleaning media and sublimates to a gas upon impact, which eliminates the need for wastewater collection systems and additional cleanup.





Utilizing the Particle Control System™, blasting settings can be dialed in to be more aggressive, which cleans the thick build-up of grease, oils, and dirt from the underbody to the fireproofing under the wheel-well. For the more delicate, precise cleaning of instrumentation, electronics, interior consoles, and panels, simply dial down to the MicroParticle setting.

  • Engine compartment
  • Transmission
  • Gauges
  • Alternator
  • Oil cap
  • Valve covers
  • Heater controls
  • Tail light assemblies
  • Undercarriages
  • Axels
  • AC compressor
  • Emblems
  • Carburetor
  • Instrument panel
  • Interior consoles
  • Wheels
  • Electrical assemblies
  • Hydraulic hoses
  • Suspensions
  • +More

Benefits of Dry Ice Blasting

A versatile cleaning solution that simplifies and improves the automotive restoration process.

Dry ice blasting is strong enough to clean heavy build-up and sensitive enough to clean components without damage or the removal of original features, such as serial numbers and markings.


  • VersatileClean all components – inside and outside of the car
  • Non-abrasiveWill not etch or profile parts, electronics, or paint
  • Decrease cleaning timeCleaning time reduced by half
  • No secondary wasteRequires little to no containment
  • Clean in-placeClean while components are assembled and in-place
  • Dry cleanNo water or chemicals necessary
  • Will not warp metal
  • Access and clean tight crevices
  • No water or caustic chemicals

Case Studies

Dry ice blasting is improving our customers’ organizations

  • Restoration & Remediation

    Dry Ice Blasting Provides Authentic Presentation When Restoring Classic Cars

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  • Automotive

    Dry ice blasting effectively improves quality of BMW undercarriage cleaning

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  • Restoration & Remediation

    Dry ice cleaning removes debris and grease from delicate car parts of 1970 Corvette

    Learn More


See what other Cold Jet customers are saying

You can turn it up or turn it down and it goes as deep or as minimally evasive as you want,” he said. “And you get a much better, cleaner finished product. It can go in deeper on a more heavily corroded undercarriage, and it’s going to allow us to remove more of that in not only an economic, but a safe way too. We’re not using a bunch of heavy detergents and scrubbing on it.

This is the most revolutionary technology I’ve encountered in years. It is a perfect fit for this industry.

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